How to Use a Proxy in Safari Browser (Step-by-Step Guide)

Safari itself doesn’t directly support proxy configuration. You’ll need to configure the proxy settings on your Mac’s operating system for it to apply to Safari.


  1. Click on the Apple logo in the top left corner of your screen, then select “System Preferences”.
  2. Click on the “Network” icon.
  3. In the left sidebar, choose the connection you use to access the internet (usually “Wi-Fi”).
  4. Click the “Advanced” button in the lower right corner.
  5. Go to the “Proxies” tab.
  6. Choose the specific proxy types you need to configure. For SquidProxies, you an choose HTTP proxy or HTTPS.
  7. Fill in the following information

Server Address: The IP address of the proxy server.

Port: The port number used by the proxy server. This information is available within your Proxy Account.

8. (Optional) In the “Bypass Proxy Settings for” field, you can specify websites that should not be routed through the proxy server. Separate multiple websites with commas.

9.  Click “OK” on the “Proxies” window, then click “Apply” in the “Network” settings window to save the changes.

Verify your Proxy Connection

  1. Launch your Safari browser.
  2. Go to a website that shows your IP address, such as
  3. If the displayed IP shows your chosen proxy IP address, then the proxy connection is working successfully.

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A proxy checker is a valuable tool designed to assess the health and functionality of proxy servers. To check your proxy IPs, login to your Squidproxies account.