Buy Private Proxies

with Elite Anonymity

Private proxy servers designed to meet your business needs.

Fast & Reliable Private Proxy List

Get dedicated IP addresses and enjoy exclusive access to your private proxy list.

Elite Anonymity

Guaranteed highest level of IP anonymity for ultimate privacy.

99.99% Uptime

Our servers are always online and highly reliable.

Unlimited Bandwidth

No GB charges. Enjoy unrestricted GB for all plans.

Multi-Gigabit Speed

Expect fast connections and choose your preferred private proxy location.

Non-sequential IPs

Enhance your online privacy and gain access to IPs from a variety of subnets.

100% Compatibility

Enjoy hassle-free integration with your tools and devices.

Guaranteed Private Proxies to Unlock Any Targets

If your proxies don’t work for your purpose and our support team fails to resolve the problem to your complete satisfaction, then we’ll refund your payment in full. We don’t make one cent if we can’t serve your purpose.

Buy Private Proxies

Start today, risk-free. No hidden fees and no long-term contracts. Cancel anytime. 

For location inquiries and requests, please contact support. 

10 Proxies

$ 24
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 2 Cities
  • 4 Subnets
  • $2.4 per proxy

25 Proxies

$ 48
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 3 Cities
  • 6 Subnets
  • $1.92 per proxy

50 Proxies

$ 87
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 4 Cities
  • 8 Subnets
  • $1.75 per proxy

100 Proxies

$ 160
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 5 Cities
  • 10 Subnets
  • $1.60 per proxy

200 Proxies

$ 290
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 6 Cities
  • 12 Subnets
  • $1.45 per proxy

350 Proxies

$ 455
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 7 Cities
  • 14 Subnets
  • $1.30 per proxy

500 Proxies

$ 575
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 8 Cities
  • 16 Subnets
  • $1.15 per proxy

1000 Proxies

$ 910
  • Private Dedicated
  • Works on all domains
  • Unlimited Bandwidth
  • 9 Cities
  • 18 Subnets
  • $0.91 per proxy
Under $1

Need more than 1,000 proxies or have special requirements?

Send your custom proxy request and we’ll reach out within 24 hours.

Top Private Proxy Locations

Elite Proxies for Every Purpose

Use high quality proxies for private browsing.


Unlock global markets with our advanced proxies for marketplaces.


Reduce latency and enhance overall gaming experience with fast servers.

Search Engine

Surf privately on Bing, Google, Yahoo, and other search engines.

Social Networks

Manage your social media accounts with enhanced privacy.


Watch videos and live streams lag-free and privately.

Other Proxies

Works on Craigslist, Ticketmaster, sneaker sites, and more.

Dedicated Private Proxy Servers for All Purpose

What is a Private Proxy?

Private proxies are dedicated IP addresses used by one user. With this type of proxy sever, you get unshared benefits and exclusive access to your proxy list.

Where to use private proxies?

For tasks demanding consistent and reliable website access, private proxies are the superior choice. Unlike shared proxies, private proxies provide dedicated bandwidth and speed. This helps ensure optimal performance for any purpose.

Additionally, they offer complete control over your IP and location. They also degrade less over time due to controlled use. They help maximize success rates when accessing websites and prevent blacklisting.

SquidProxies Guarantee

Trusted by Users Since 2010

Join thousands of satisfied customers who rely on our private proxies for personal and business use cases. Explore our plans and find the perfect fit for your needs.

Providing Reliable Private Proxy Service Since 2010

SquidProxies has a straight forward professional website with all required pre-sale information. The site appears to be running on WHMCS which is a stable website client interface. I run a small reseller hosting site with it. Pricing is among the most competitive I have come across. Setup took less than 10 minutes from payment before I had fully functional proxies working in SB. Proxy quality is top notch. I'm getting very good latency considering I'm ways away from their location. SB success rate is anywhere between 50-80% which is the same or a bit better than other services I have tried. Proxies are working well with SB, Tweet attack, sick submitter, RSS submitter, CPA lead trials, Traffic Travis. Customer service responded to my ticket before I could even blink. The problem was solved instantaneously and compensation was awarded without even asking. True customer service at work. My conclusion: Reliable, affordable service with great customer service. These guys are clearly serious about business. Highly recommend.
User Review
Just wanted to leave a review for SquidProxies since I have been using them for the last 6 months. This proxy service has been fantastic. The proxies are very reliable and fast. In fact, I don't think mine have gone offline for the entire time I've been using them. Every month I get a fresh batch and they always work perfectly. The one time I had to contact customer service about a change in billing. They responded quickly and were very helpful. Highly recommended!
User Review
These are great, private proxies and more importantly the price is right! They are not wh*red out so you will be pleased that you are really getting exclusives. I've been in the biz for awhile and these are one of the few suppliers who will actually make themselves available if you need them. Don't sleep on these. I am satisfied.
User Review
Hello. I am software developer and for my project (some kind of crawler) I needed proxies. After 6 month of work, I have to tell that SquidProxies are the best for following reasons. First, the price. They are one of the cheapest proxies I have seen. Second, quality. In my specific project, many of times other providers failed to retrieve valid response to my request due to caching problems on the server and my specific project. I don't only use HTTP Requests. Third, fast speed. I have to say that the speed is great. For now it is constant. All of the proxies have the same good speed. In previous proxy providers, only small number of proxies were fast. Fourth, the set up is fast. In 10 minutes, you can update your configurations like change IP and you don't need to wait for hours. Once again, I am not using SB or something like that so I don't know how it works there - but in my software it works great.
User Review
My proxies got activated instantly almost. They are fast with really good time response. Site is easy to use. Fast also. My inbox rate for SB has increased since yesterday. Yay. Probably looking some more in the near future.
User Review
This is the fastest proxy server out there for netizens. Although it is not that much cheap as compared to others on this list, we can say that the price is reasonable according to the number of features it offers.
Ordered 10 proxies and was using them in Scrapebox in less than 20 minutes. Proxies seem fast and very affordable - thank you! This is my first time buying proxies and it was easy squeezy to get it going.
User Review
I bought just a few minutes ago. Done with set up and running super fast, fast, fast. The VIP control panel was so simple to set up. I bought 10 to try but I will be back to upgrade if they stay half as fast as they are now.
User Review
SquidProxies did pretty well. The extraction speed was quite high with zero errors. I had an average 5 requests per second with given 50 threads. SquidProxies can be considered as one option that is competitive with modern rotating proxy services.
Proxy setup was INCREDIBLY fast. I don't mind waiting a few hours or a day but the proxies were set-up in under 5 minutes. This is a really strong point so far. Proxies are so far, very good.
User Review

Frequently Asked Questions

After ordering an account with Squid Proxies, you can use these proxies by:
1. Logging into the proxy control panel to view your proxy list.
2. Setting your authorized IPs.
3. Configre your browser to use the proxy.

Squidproxies do not currently offer free proxies. We recommend ordering 10 proxies to test our service. All orders are also covered by our money-back guarantee. 

Definitely! Our private proxies work on all HTTP and HTTPs websites.

Yes, our proxies work with all tools that support HTTP/HTTPs proxies. You can use our proxies on your devices, browsers, and tools.

We accept PayPal, Bitcoin, and Credit Card Payments.

Choose SquidProxies

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