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Category: Anonymous Articles

Understanding Anonymous Browsing

The internet has become an essential part of our lives, but it also exposes us to various online threats. These include hacking, identity theft, and data breaches, where criminals steal personal information like names, addresses, credit card numbers, and browsing history.

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Understanding Anonymous Surfing

Anonymous surfing refers to the practice of masking your online identity while browsing the internet. This means hiding your Internet Protocol (IP) address, which acts like a unique identifier for your device on the web.

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What is Online Anonymity? Definition + FAQ

Anonymity online refers to the state of being untraceable or unidentified while using the internet. This doesn’t necessarily mean becoming completely invisible, but rather making it difficult for websites, governments, or other entities to link your online activity to your real-world identity.

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What is an Anonymous Proxy

An anonymous proxy is a type of proxy server that is designed for anonymity. 
When you use an anonymous proxy, your internet traffic is routed through the proxy server first. It hides your real IP address from the websites you visit.

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